At, accuracy is paramount. We are committed to delivering trustworthy news and information to our readers, and fact-checking is an essential part of that mission. This policy outlines our rigorous fact-checking process to ensure the credibility and reliability of our content.

Our Commitment to Fact-Checking

  • Verification: All factual claims undergo a meticulous verification process before publication. This includes verifying the source of the information, cross-checking it with multiple credible sources whenever possible, and ensuring the accuracy of data and statistics.
  • Source Credibility: We rely on reputable sources for our information, such as established news organizations, government agencies, academic journals, and experts in relevant fields. We carefully evaluate the credibility of each source and prioritize information from sources with a strong track record of accuracy and objectivity.
  • Transparency: We are transparent about our sources. Whenever possible, we cite our sources in the text and include links to reputable sources for further reading.

Fact-Checking Process

  • Initial Research: During the research phase, journalists gather information from various sources and identify key facts and claims.
  • Verification: Each claim is then independently verified by a fact-checker. This may involve contacting the source directly, consulting with experts, and verifying data through reputable databases.
  • Cross-checking: We don’t rely on a single source for any critical information. We cross-check information with multiple credible sources to ensure accuracy and avoid misinformation.
  • Evidence-based Reporting: We support our claims with verifiable evidence, such as data, statistics, quotes from credible sources, and links to relevant studies or reports.

Handling Disputed Claims

  • Investigating Disputes: If there is a dispute about the accuracy of a claim, we will investigate the matter thoroughly. This may involve contacting the source of the disputed information, consulting with additional experts, and reviewing all available evidence.
  • Corrections: If we determine that a published claim is inaccurate, we will promptly issue a correction. The correction will be clearly labeled and published on the same platform where the original content appeared. We may also update the original article to reflect the corrected information.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement in our fact-checking practices. We stay updated on the latest fact-checking techniques and best practices to ensure the ongoing accuracy and reliability of our content.

Also, check here: Editorial Guidelines

If you have any questions about our fact-checking policy or believe you have identified an error in our reporting, please contact us at

By following these guidelines, strives to be a trusted source of news and information that you can rely on.